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(More customer reviews)Just used this machine for my Halloween cemetery in my front yard. I had chained ghosts with gauze garments I got from Party City for $15 each hanging from the tree over head strung up with fishing line. I had purchased nice, moulded grave markers from Target for about $20 each. Mixed those with the 3/$12 foam ones (from HalloweenSpirit dot com) to make the look go farther without going broke. This fog machine made a fantastic low lying fog covering the entire cemetary and a few feet into my yard effectively and as promised. The machine can only hold about 2 cups of ice (tops) and the machine warms up fast (about a 5 minute wait before fog is generated) -- the fog generated is a good, dense cover and about the time you want it to sustain that, the ice cubes have melted and the fog becomes a billowy, thick cloud that rises and spreads, hiding the props it was supposed to accent. The machine cycles a cool-down cycle for a few minutes about every 10 minutes to avoid overheating.
It was about 80 degrees the Halloween evening we used it. We were having our last bout of warm weather (Indian summer) this fall and the ice needed to be replaced about every 20 minutes. We made sure to use the recommended Chauvet low lying fog fluid -- not all fluids are effective for low-lying fog (I read the cheaper ones are watered down and it's chancey whether you'll get a good fog per reviews). Next year, I will make 4-6 square blocks of ice to fit in the ice container of the fog machine and will hope those will last longer than the chips. My other idea is to see if I can use dry ice in the ice compartment but I'll have to research it first to make sure it won't ruin it.
I'm pleased with the amount of fog that this machine kicked out and the effect it gave when working optimally. It easily covered an area of about 20 x 20' and the wind was not gusty (under 5mph). At 5mph-7mph winds, the fog kicks about and doesn't stay put as well.
The remote that came with is a wired remote (must be connected to the back of machine) and only allows you to basically stand upright next to the machine and hold it in your hand (not very remote if you can't control from a distance). We bought a quart of low-lying fog fluid and using the machine non-stop from 6-9 pm, it used just about a half quart of fluid. I like the effect the fog machine provided - folks loved all our props and kids were wanting to investigate the spooky cemetery!
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